Welcome to my web site and thank you for visiting. As some of you may (or may not) know, this web site has been on my agenda for quite some time now, and I am very pleased and proud to now offer a platform for my writing on both a professional and personal level.

Through my writing adventures over the last nine years, I have met many interesting people on both a local and national level; unique entrepreneurs and small businesses, musicians and bands, visual artists, writers, editors and publishers, public relations and media people. And through this process I have also developed some interesting relationships and a few strong friendships as well.

And the best part of all this is that most of the time I have no idea what avenue is going to be created next, for whatever story I put together, almost every time a new person, business or article idea branches out and finds it’s way onto my “writing path”. Believe me, it never gets boring!

So as my writing avenues and clientele continues to grow, this site will allow me the opportunity to not only corral all these “branches” and keep them in some semblance of order, but to also share this archive of articles, features, profiles, reviews and photos with others. So as you take a look around the site, be sure to view the list of clients (which is not yet complete) as to see some of the cool and interesting people (and their web sites) I have been working with.

As I launch this site,each week I will be posting both new articles, as well as digging up past features as to build up the site archive. I will also be posting blogs (hopefully one a week) to talk about the various business and music-related projects I am working on, as well as tossing in the occasional sports reference as the "personal level” part of it. Oh, and I will also be posting selected photos along the way.

In closing, thank you again for visiting and please feel free to let me know what you think of all this, for your comments and suggestions (good or bad) are always welcome and appreciated. And if you know someone or something that deserves some “ink”, I am always looking for that next branch to fall onto my “writing path”. Oh, and one more thing...in case you hadn’t heard... the Boston Red Sox are World Champions!!


HeyJoe, Nana checked out your website and was very impressed and proud.Keep on trucking...........Pop.

saw your stuff :)


Had a chance to read your stuff in Limelight recently. Awesome features on the New England music scene. Keep writin' for sure.