JEM's blog

Blog – It's Been A Long Time.....

Hello all -
It has been a while since I posted a blog, rather choosing to post articles instead, as to build upon my articles archive. I have been posting all the current articles I write for various publications, but also want to start digging and posting some of the older articles I have had published over the years as well. It's a slower process than I want it to be...but we're getting there!

New Blog: catching up

Blog entry number two... finally. I wanted to touch base again long before this, but sometimes there is just not enough time in the day.
Being new to all this "web site creation" stuff, I guess I should have waited just a little bit longer to initially launch the site, because I still needed to have a "posting class" with my web master, (Thanks Jon!!) to be able to post articles and images to the site on my own. Live and learn I guess...but now I have a little better idea about what I am now I can really get the ball rolling.


Welcome to my web site and thank you for visiting. As some of you may (or may not) know, this web site has been on my agenda for quite some time now, and I am very pleased and proud to now offer a platform for my writing on both a professional and personal level.

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